Lead Trainer
Kimberly is the founder and creator of Dynamic Physical Training. While watching and helping her two boys develop their skills in basketball, she realized a gap existed in the progressive development of the strength, coordination, and flexibility required for safe and optimal sports performance in young athletes today. This prompted the formation of Dynamic Physical Training in order to help others successfully improve their fitness levels and sports performance while assisting in preventing injuries.
Participation in sports as well as her experience as a Physical Therapist has inspired her to want provide instruction that focuses on incorporating a mindful approach to training. Teaching participants to "feel" their bodies and pay attention to movements while learning both the scientific and logical principles is the foundation of the training approach she leads. Having spent 20 years as a practicing Physical Therapist in outpatient, hospital, acute rehab, and nursing home settings, she has worked with many age groups with various illnesses and fitness needs. For the past five years, she has specialized in Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation which focuses on conditions related to vertigo, imbalance, and concussion related deficits.
Kimberly was raised on a horse farm where she learned the importance of hard work, responsibility, manual labor, and determination. From a young child, Kimberly was involved in many sports and activities including; basketball, softball, field hockey, soccer, tennis, and dance. She quickly developed an interest in Physical Therapy after attending as a patient and witnessing the benefits it held. She studied at Northeastern University and continued her career in various medical settings.
Like many others, focusing on career and family led to a degree of self neglect and weight gain. She struggled over the years to contain an addiction to food and resulting significant weight gain. At her max, Kimberly carried a whopping 350 pounds causing discomfort, unhappiness, and a significant lack of self confidence. While she continued to remain active, the weight was a limiting factor to being able to enjoy her young children and various activities. After struggling with and failing every diet in the books, Kimberly made the difficult decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery. This gave her the ability to gain control of her diet and allowed her to focus on re gaining her athletic abilities with improved physical health. She now assists others with their weight loss struggles by providing personal experience alongside her education of health and fitness in her fitness plans.
Kimberly currently enjoys playing basketball, spending time with family and friends, dancing, outdoor adventures, Halloween, and of course, helping others. She loves music and meeting new people, and strives to check off the boundless entries on her bucket list as frequently as possible!